Gayle F. Born, M.Ed.
Gayle holds a Masters Degree in Learning Disabilities and Interrelated Special Education with a BS in Special Education and Elementary Education. Mrs. Born has served as an educator in this field in the Greater Atlanta area for over thirty years. Mrs. Born’s experience has been diverse; twelve years teaching experience as a classroom teacher, resource room teacher, special reading/ language arts teacher and lead teacher. Administrative service includes: Coordinator of Learning Disabilities Services for Atlanta Public School – Area II for three years and Principal of the Howard School, North Campus in Roswell from 1986 to 1999.
Mrs. Born has been a member and served as an officer of: The Learning Disabilities Association of Georgia, The Council for Exceptional Children, and has been a member of Tourettes Syndrome Association. Georgia Independent Schools Association, and serves on the Board of CHADD.
Mrs. Born has worked with families to find appropriate alternative school placement for over twenty years.
E-mail Gayle Born at gborn@parkaireconsultants.com.